Bombcrypto Nft p2e

Has the game launched, is it playable?

-Yes it is playable

What are the game economics?

Bombcrypto is a Pixel game and automatic game that uses a bomb to get bcoin.
bcoin is the token you will receive whenever you destroy a chest and there’s are 5 chests that will appear on every map you can access. but you can’t destroy a chest when you don’t have a bomber there are 6 bombers This is

super rare
super legend

and there is a big chance that you will get a Common And a smaller chance on Super legend because the super legend is the strongest bomber that can destroy all the Chests on a map but it depends on the Chest because the strongest chest is the Prison chest that when you break it you will get a Bomber and the next chest is a blue chest that will give you bcoin everytime you break it and the blue chest is the biggest chest that will give you a lot bcoin.

What is the yield/ROI opportunity?

if you mine more Bcoins The chest will be harder to mine so usually the health of the chest will increase and you will be harder to destroy
it. and You will Get Less Rewards Because You Mined More Coins. In a shortcut if Your roi is Much higher than You invested. the chest will be harder and you will get Less Reward

they’ve implemented this Rules To stabilize the Game and the token

Is there a barrier to entry to play? (like Axie, you need 3 axies to play)

you can play using atleast 1 bomber but it depends in A Class Of a bomber that you will get if you get A common your roi will take more longer because you have 1 bomber and The class Of your bomber Is 1 common But if you have 1 bomber And It’s super legend the roi will get easier and I suggest to Buy atleast 10 bomber because the max of of the bomber Is 15 and In January 18 they will Launch The Marketplace.

Does this game provide wage/scholarship opportunity?

No. but you can lend it to Scholars. by lending your Metamask account but that’s too dangerous and I’m promoting It because they said that this game is Long term Nft p2e and they themselves said it in their announcement. and they still have many Projects coming up and they are currently In Q1/2022 you can check it in Their Website. This December 2021 they will Launch the Marketplace but sadly they’ve adjusted it to January 18 And they have A Partnership With space crypto and Heroes Td

Is the dev team legit, have prior game experience?

Yes, and Their team Called Senspark And They have Experience creating a Game And It’s called stickman battle 2021, all gold miner game, tank 1990, bomb squad and all card game and Their Team Are fully Doxxed

Here’s the Link Of Bombcrypto:
Telegram- Telegram: Contact @BombCryptoGroup

Here’s the link of Space crypto:
(Also i would Like to Remind The p2e of this game Will Launch This January)
Telegram- Telegram: Contact @SpaceCryptoGlo2

Here’s the link of Heroes Td
Discord -
Telegram- Telegram: Contact @Heroes_TD

I would Like to Promote The Rise city also

Sorry for the wrong Grammar Dao!

Always Dyor!